Tuesday, January 22, 2008

process, a basketball court, current, a box...

Always I’m trying to find a new analogy about life…
for many resons..one its simply “Fun”…makes my mind work and because im trying to understand it!!
Life is a process…as a designer I am fascinated by “process” interesting things come up things that you can never plan or predict, even if things don’t reveal just the process, the activity of doing what your doing here..is in it self-fascinating…a great sensations…you are in a world beyond this world…beyond this “box” these walls that we are put in by our misunderstandings of why we are here in the first place…
Life is a basket ball court, (taken from a lecture about educt of a interesting speaker Dr.Jackson) and Im Michael Jordan {life} throws to me the ball and I have no idea what im going to do with it at that moment…but all I have with me is my skill and incstince…with these things I take the next move…the move that should take me to my goal…to that basket on the other side, to score!
such analogies really help me understand life more…and make me more prepared to whets coming… …because I am put in this world (this basketball court) for reason.
sometimes my analogy goes over board, I try too hard to “figure it out”…I don’t know if life needs to be figured up or should be.
but I can’t help it but Think?! It keeps me moving….even though thinking sometimes slows me…with over analyzing and over dismantling…just slows me slows me from this “running” world…this world is moving and is not waiting for anyone…it is going only in one direction…one circle…that goes on and on….and I cant go against it…its too exhausting…and whats easier then just go with it…even though its not my direction??? With thinking and analyzing…I see how this one direction this current that this world is forcing me to take is not the only way…there are others…and this current will stop me from seeing the true purpose and true abilities of me in this world…and my role in it!
but oh how is it hard to go against it, when everyone is going with it…if you try to go back and look for another way, someone tells you “stop being silly” and pushes you back again with the current…why and how is it that we all know that this in not the only way…and that there are better, but still fallen into it…we know that this current is what is causing us disappear yet we are going with it.
why? I ask my self that a lot…but then I too fall into it…I come to a point…maybe I am being silly maybe there is no point of going back…just go with current everyone else is….I go and im just blank…not happy…not even upset…because I don’t know what I’m doing…but I’m just walking around blank…go where the current takes me…isn’t this our life? Why is it so? We are free we believe? But how free are we if we cant go against a current??

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Structre and process of life?!

It’s funny how we can change so quickly depending on the environment and the people around us.

It’s funny how situations, we are put in, help us discover something, some power that we didn’t know we had before!

It’s funny how 'talk' is easy yet doing is not!!

Should we then stop talking and just into life and work!! (What ever you work on just...WORK)

Since we don’t know how will we react or what special hidden powers we have, then we should just work!

No point on thinking about it, no point on saying what "I'm going to do...."
No point on talking about the next step if we didn’t take it already??!

Won’t that save us from un-met promises…save us from being ‘double faced’?
So, instead of “I WILL…” but rather, “I DID…”

Then, should we just take life on how it is given to us…
”Work with what you have” focus on the first staircase taken rather than on where this staircase will take me? Or where I want it to take me?
Should planning and predicting effect our journey?
Because with planning and predicting…We will ‘limit’ the journey…
We will miss or ignore things along the way that are not part of the plan, We will break some promises..since our plan started out with a certain energy that we were not able to keep till the end, We will miss bigger/higher out comes..since we are not aware of our own energies and strengths.
So, that’s too much of a structure..it will get us somewhere but very limited ‘somewhere’…very dry and un-rich(with many other discoveries about our selves and about what is around us)

Does that mean we should loss the structure? “take things as they come”…a journey a process...of taking a very step and foucing on what is infront of us…and working with it…
we will get to notice things about our selves that we were not aware of, we will discover things about the world that we never knew never experienced….
but where will that take us? I mean life is “full” one thing takes you to the other and that thing takes you to another…and so on and so on…we will get to discover many things…but for what? Where are we going??
With all this freedom…we will be lost!
As my design professors we telling us…you need a little structure (projects guide line) to get you starting without it…your lost! You’re going nowhere. Because there is too many ways and directions and all have their own possibilities and new discoveries!

So too much structure (of planning and predicting) and no structure what so ever..freedom…both in their own ways are “limiting”

we ask for our freedom but a structure is what will free us!!
Having a all ready structure in the begging will restrict our possibilities to get to the highest levels.
We need to go with the journey...be part of it and make it build our own structure…a structure that is supported with pillars…Pillars=> our faith, our believes, our Identity….